Mindful Melodies


Unleash the Healing Power of Music

At Boise Hive, we believe in the transformative power of music to heal, connect, and inspire. Our Mindful Melodies Program is a pioneering initiative tailored for teens aged 13 and above, offering a unique blend of music therapy, education, and communal sharing. Sponsored by Boise Hive and Optum, this program is your gateway to exploring the depths of music and its profound impact on the mind.

Music Therapy

Dive into engaging discussions about your favorite tunes, explore what peers are jamming to, and uncover new musical dimensions together.

Learn and Grow

Our curriculum includes foundational classes on the Principles of Music Theory, the Psychology of Music, and more, designed to enrich your understanding and appreciation of music.

Fun and Interactive

From drum circles to crafting the ultimate playlist, our activities are designed to foster creativity, collaboration, and personal expression.

If interested, please fill out the form below.

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Interested in joining us?

  • Dates & Times: New group to start soon
  • Where: The Boise Hive, 3907 Custer Dr.
  • Cost: Free!



Beyond the Music


Join Us on This Musical Journey

Mindful Melodies is more than just a program; it's an opportunity to connect with your peers, explore the depths of music and its effects on our minds, and engage in activities that are both fun and enlightening. Whether you're a seasoned musician or new to the world of music, this program offers something for everyone.

Embark on a journey of musical exploration and self-discovery with us. Let's create, share, and grow together in the universal language of music.

  • Drum Group: Feel the beat as part of a collective drumming experience.
  • Sound Bath: Immerse yourself in the soothing waves of a sound bath session.
  • Discovering Music Preferences: Delve into the reasons behind our musical likes and curate a mixed playlist reflecting our diverse tastes.
  • Songwriting Workshops: Unleash your creative potential and learn the art of songwriting.
  • Mixed Musical List Creation: Collaborate to create a unique playlist that captures the essence of our group's musical journey.